
Be still and let me have control.

I want to control you, for just a little while

Just long enough to taste

the sensually sweetness of your lips.

Let me have control, so I can kiss your body,

tease it with the soft touch of my tongue.

11 comentários:

Blue disse...

Cof, cof...
Até me engasguei...
É caso para dizer, caralho marrafoda! Está espectacular!!!!
...a tua língua em mim...hum...

kiss in you...

Seline disse...

So... why don't you?
Asked so tenderly who dare to say no? ;)

Afrika disse...

It will be a torture to stand still... while you taste me, while you tease me!

But I will. I stand still knowing that I will after have my sweet revenge :D

What I get, I give back in double ;)

Pearl disse...

Gostei da foto e das palavras tambem!


1ManView disse...

.. Nice and smooth ...

Do u want me to translate it 4 u? disse...

You know I'm out of your control...maybe that's why I tease you!! ;)

That was easy to translate! disse...

Maybe... but now, you no longer have sure you have control on me... maybe that's why I tease you!! ;)

Blue disse...

Wen i cause you, you cedes with so much pleasure...you let me crazy hard-on!...

Kiss in you...

Do u want me to translate it 4 u? disse...
Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.
That was easy to translate! disse...
Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.
Just Me disse...

É assim q gosto...

A expressão "ser possuída" n deixa grandes margens p dúvidas...

Eu quero!

