
Fim de semana

Ai que vontade de estar de fim de semana...
Vontade de satisfazer desejos...
Vontade de encontros (IN)descretos...
Vontade de belas fodas...que duram a noite toda...
Huumm de água na boca!!!

Venha o fim de semana!!

3 comentários:

Tareca à Solta disse...

Dear Man,

What else can I say except «I Like it...»


Gordinho de Cueca disse...

ola se puder dar uma passada no meu blog e comentar fico muito feliz, comecei ontem com as postagens...um beijo

Joao Lisboa disse...


Portugal is the most Hateful and Racist place on earth dude, or is it simply easier for you to Ignore that Truthful Fact??? From what i see, Portuguese are Constantly spewing anti-Spanish hate comments from their mouths in Canada so cut-the-crap with the poor innocent Portuguese routine, it's old and nobody is buying that crap anymore!

*Portugal started the Global Slave trade in 1441 and it's NOT safe for a black person anywhere there are Portuguese to date! Simply put, You Hate Blacks:


Be Safe Friends,
